Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Nutrition on a Patient with Acute and Recurrent Pancreatitis Essay

Nutrition on a Patient with Acute and Recurrent Pancreatitis - Essay ExampleThe nurse is responsible in organize the orders by the health team. Evaluation should focus on the patients tolerance of the interventions implemented and brushup of the overall nutritional status.Anthropometric measurement is part of every nutrition status assessment. In the patients case, it provides a notable impression of weight loss (approx. 20 lbs.)in the past two months establish on the difference between the UBW as reported by the patient and his current weight. His present BMI is 20.7 (within the form range). On the other hand, weight itself cannot be regarded as reliable since various factors may affect its accuracy, such as third spacing usually associated with pancreatitis (Lugli, Carli & Wykes, 2007). Thus, other tests should be considered to obtain the most accurate info on his nutritional status.Patient remained at NPO status 24 hours after admission. To maintain/ improve nutritional status , options for this patient include Total P arenteral Nutrition (TPN) or Enteral nutrition (EN). Both options are based on the pancreatic rest theory, in which the pancreas should be allowed to rest to regain functionality (Ioannidis, Lavrentieva & Botsios, 2008). TPN was considered as the gold standard of management in acute pancreatitis, but the risks of complications associated with this therapy lead to the change of intervention to the usance of Enteral nutrition (McClave et al., 2006).When the patients condition does not improve, tube feedings might be legitimate by the physician. According to Ioannidis, Lavrentieva and Botsios (2008), initial amount of nutritive solution administered should be 25 mL/h. This should bit by bit increase until the desired quantity (25 kcal/kg/day) is achieved in 24-48 hours.The formula for feeding should minimize the pancreatic discrimination of digestive enzymes as much as possible. Thus, a fat- free elemental diet or

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